Avoid being scammed

You can avoid being scammed by following these simple steps:
1. If you see a jammer saying something close to this: "send me items! i am poor" or
"send me items! you will get rares" DONT FALL FOR IT!

What you should do: tell the scammer: hey, that is scamming. it is not nice to do that! and report him/her and LOG OFF

2. If you see a scammer asking you, or another jammer this: "hey ________ can i try on your clothes?""can you send it?"

What you should do: If the scammer asked you, report and log off. If he/she asked another jammer, report the scammer, and click on the jammer's name tag and play a game to interrupt. 

3. If you see a hacking type of scam, and a jammer saying: "you scammed me" or"give it back"
please report the scammer and log off.


  1. Thanks for these advices! ^^
    you saved me from being scammed! thanks! :D

  2. Whenever ur at a giveaway write down there username so u can report them if they scam

  3. nice advice. i sorry for bads english.
